Manufacturer’s Representatives

Serving Florida’s Optical, Video, Contact & Statistical

measuring requirements since 1978

Metrology and Machines United offers unsurpassed value added services that provides our customers the ability to obtain maximum optimization of the products they have purchased. With these services customers can expect to obtain maximum throughput, and the ultimate in accuracy and repeatability.

In House Demonstrations provide customers the ability to evaluate many of our products, in-house on their specific applications. With this unique commitment to application demonstrations, customers can feel totally secure that the product they select is fully capable of meeting their exact requirements.

We provide Installation, Service, Calibration, Certification, and Training on OGP, RAM Optical and CCP’s complete line of Contour Projectors, and Video inspection equipment. All of our personnel are factory trained in the preventative maintenance and proper calibration procedures using NIST traceable reticles and artifacts. Detailed calibration reports include “As Found” - “As Left” data.

13720 85th Rd. North           Tel    561-252-8552

West Palm Beach, FL 33412  
