Manufacturer’s Representatives
Serving Florida’s Optical, Video, Contact & Statistical
measuring requirements since 1978
The staff of Metrology & Machines United have been serving the metrology and data collection needs of Florida's manufacturers since 1978. We are a multi-line sales and service company offering products from industry leading metrology companies. In addition, we offer installation, calibration & certification, training, and service on all of our major product lines. We are always available for in-house demonstrations where we'll demonstrate our capability to solve your demanding measurement requirements.
Mission Statement
We believe in the products we represent, and are proud of our combined accomplishments. Metrology technology is constantly changing. We strive to keep up-to-date on these changes, as we feel it is not only necessary for our company's continued success, but it is our responsibility to make our customers aware of these technological advancements. It is a continual learning cycle that we intend to keep pursuing so that our customers continue to use us as a resource for information and strategic solutions.
Vision Statement
To be the industry leader in metrology solutions, while providing unsurpassed quality customer service and sales.
13720 85th Rd. North Tel 561-252-8552
West Palm Beach, FL 33412